Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mother Teresa - Grace by U2

This video is about Mama T and is pretty compelling. Plus a great song. Mother Teresa sold her Nobel peace prize the day after she got it to raise money for poor people.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tony Campolo - Birthday Party

I don't always agree with Campolo but he does love people.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


My birthday is on Saturday. I’m gonna be 30. I don’t think I’ve accomplished all of the things that I had expected to by this age.

I’m not married.
I don’t own any real estate.
I don’t make a lot of money.
I’ve never published anything.
I’m not internationally or nationally or regionally known for anything.
I only have 1 good story with a famous person (Nicholas Cage).
I’ve never been to Europe, South America, Australia, Asia, Africa, or Antarctica even though I really want to go.
I don’t have large sections of scripture committed to memory.
I don’t know how to play any instruments.
I don’t have a retirement plan or 3 months worth of savings.
I’ve only broken 100 in golf once (even though it was a 92).
I don’t have a kitchen with an island in the middle.
I’ve never lost any appendages to a wild animal encounter.
I’ve never been on a cruise.

This is too painful to continue. When I started writing this I was feeling pretty good…not so much anymore. Well I pledge to you, dear reader, that I’m gonna change every one of the things over the next 30 years. And my 60th birthday will be quite a different story. I’ll be like the guy from the Dos Equis commercials…The Most Interesting Man in the World!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Here's something that I've never seems like a lot of Christians are anti-environmentalism. Now I'm not talking about the crazy, ecco terrorist, animal rights, ELF, PETA kind of environmentalism that everybody is against but sensible environmentalism. If anybody should be about responsible treatment of this planet and its stuff it should be Christians. God has given us dominion over the earth and all of its stuff to be stewards of His creation and Jesus taught regularly about the importance being a faithful steward.

Now I know that environmental issues typically fall into that left/liberal/democrat platform and most Christians tend to ascribe to conservative ideals and so maybe it's one of those "tow the party lines" kind of a thing but as Christians it is a foolish thing when we look to political or social ideals to dictate our positions.

I know that littering is not the biggest problem that this world faces.

I know that some people love animals more than humans.

I know that fixing the planet does not fix the real problem of humanity.

I know that there are a lot of Whack job crazies who support environmentalism.

I know that there are a lot of problems with government regulation.

BUT none of that means that we can't support and promote strong positive positions on the environment. It seems like the most faithful thing to do.


So I've started working on the farm again and this time I've got some big plans. Let's just say they involve Tilapia, Hydroponics, Dynamite, pole vaulting, and Vermiculture...that's right vermiculture (worm composting to the non-farmers out there). I read somewhere that worm castings are the third best compost material after Bats and Eels. I have no idea how you harvest Eel composting. Anyways it's a pretty simple process and it doesn't smell. Plus it is an integral part of my sustainable, symbiotic, organic, farming master plan that I have goin. And when Y3K hits I'll have all of the food I'll ever need.

Friday, July 11, 2008

A quick post for my first

So the other day someone told me that all my jokes are about making fun of someone else. Not true. I'd estimate that about 88% of my jokes are about making fun of other people. Well since I'm gonna be 30 in a week, it's time to grow up and be nice. So my goal for the next year is to wittle that percentage down to between 60%-72%. By the way that person was Teale...I hate her and her little toe too.